Best online sleep apnea forums and resources
By Jason Wooden, PhD | Updated 2023
Sleep apnea forums are a great place for tips and answers to nagging questions from people in your shoes.
There are a variety of forums to choose from including ones where you can ask about general sleep apnea issues and others where patients share their experiences with treatments such as CPAP.
There are also occupational forums where you can get answers more specific to your situation whether you’re a frequent traveler, truck driver, pilot, or in the military.
Browse through our list to find the right forum for you, tips on how to get the most out of it, the do’s and don’ts, and other helpful sleep apnea resources.
Are sleep apnea forums worth the time?
Did you know that experts believe there are currently 1 billion people living with obstructive sleep apnea?
It’s the most common sleep apnea type in which the breathing interruptions are caused by a narrowing of the airway. (You can get a quick explainer here.)
With so many sleep-deprived and miserable sleep apnea victims, it’s no surprise you can now find a variety of sleep apnea forums.
They are not a substitute for a sleep doctor, but online forums can be a great place to get answers to nagging questions from other people in your “shoes”.
And in some forums, you may be able to ask sleep professionals questions.
Everyone’s situation is different, but odds are someone has faced your specific issue.
So, jump in and learn from others – there’s no need to reinvent the wheel.
The sleep apnea forum list
Today, with increased awareness and diagnosis, you have a wide range of online sleep apnea forums to choose from. While the forum sponsors may vary, they are all places where you can get useful tips and ask questions.
Apnea Board
Apnea Board is an educational forum with over 75,000 members.
Features: forum, success stories, CPAP setup manuals, supplier list, member product review forum
Visit: http://www.apneaboard.com/
MyApnea Forum
MyApnea is a community of patients, doctors, and researchers trying to improve the diagnosis and treatment of sleep apnea.
Features: forum, blog, articles
Visit: https://myapnea.org/forum
An online forum with over 40,000 CPAP users sharing ideas, learning about new developments, and exchanging their experiences with products. The forum is sponsored by CPAP.com, an online supplier of CPAP devices.
Features: forum, CPAP Wiki, product news, cpap and sleep apnea news articles, videos
A forum with 2,574 members sponsored by Intus Healthcare, a UK-based company that specializes in developing sleep apnea therapies.
Features: forum, blog, information and advice page
Visit: https://forums.cpap.co.uk/

Forums for traveler, trucker, pilot, and military sleep apnea issues
For some of your questions, you may strike out at a regular sleep apnea forum.
Occupational forums can be helpful when you have questions for unique situations such as travel or specialized work occupations. Often, you can find people with who deal with issues that your average sleep apnea sufferer wouldn’t encounter.

Travel Gadgets and Gear Forum (Trip Advisor)
Traveling can be extra challenging for sleep apnea patients. TripAdvisor is the world’s largest travel platform.
In the travel gadgets and gear forum, you can post questions or search for posts on a variety of sleep apnea travel related issues:
• Packing your cpap machine
• Using your machine in flight
• Other sleep apnea travel products
• Travel sleep aides such as ear plugs and special pillows
Features: forum, misc travel information

AirlinePilotCentral.com is the #1 pilot community in North American with over 44,000 registered users. You can search the forum by topic to find posts on the various sleep apnea issues pilots face.
Features: forum, articles, videos, miscellaneous pilot information

Pilots of America Medical Forum
Another online forum for discussion of a variety of aviation related topics. You can post questions in the medical topics forum or search by topic for posts.
Features: forum
Military (active, veterans)

Physical Evaluation Board Forum
Founded by Jason Perry, a military disability attorney, the Physical Evaluation Board Forum is a place where you post about sleep apnea issues relevant to military service. You can also search by topic for posts.
Features: forum, resources

Veterans Benefits Network Forum
Discussions on a variety of topics, including VA medical claims.
Features: forum, discussions

How to get the most out of a sleep apnea forum
Want to get your questions answered?
When it comes to sleep apnea forums, there’s a right way to do things. It includes how you ask your questions and how you treat others. Privacy and safety are also important.
Be sure to read the forum rules before posting anything.
Getting your question answered:
- Start with searching – chances are someone else has already asked and answered your question
- Use a title for your thread that is meaningful
- Stay on topic
- Write concisely
- Avoid slang unless you know the word or phrase will be understood by other members
Etiquette tips:
- Don’t post new problems on someone else’s thread and interrupt a discussion topic
- Avoid posting content embarrassing to others
- Avoid using all caps or shouting in your posts
- Do not use someone else ‘s thread for a private conversation
- Watch your sense of humor as posts may be read by people from a variety of backgrounds
- Help others as often as or more than you ask for help
- Be civil (personal differences can be handled through messaging instead of in the thread)
Privacy and safety tips:
- Carefully choose your username – pick one that isn’t going to compromise your anonymity
- Do not post anything that could personally identify you (for example, full name, email address, web address, phone number, or mail address)
- Do not post any information that you want private
- Ignore spammers, report them to moderator if needed
Finally, don’t forget about your bed and pillows. If they’re old, be sure to replace them for better head, back, and body support.

Other places besides sleep apnea forums where you can get help

Ask the Sleep Doctor
Sponsored by the American Sleep Association, you’ll find Question & Answers with sleep doctors on a variety sleep issues.
Support groups

AWAKE sleep disorders support groups
The American Sleep Apnea Association sponsors a network of sleep apnea support groups across the US called A.W.A.K.E. (Alert, Well, And Keeping Energetic). Attendees can also get information on sleep hygiene and the various sleep apnea treatments.
Find a local support group near you (US and Canada)
AWAKE Sleep Health Facebook Support Group

Sleep Apnea Support Group (SupportGroups.com)
SupportGroups.com is a growing online support groups community where you can join more than 220 condition-specific groups. The sleep apnea support group currently has over 35,000 members.

Inspiring sleep apnea personal stories
Living with sleep apnea can be incredibly frustrating and depressing, but you’re not alone. In the US, there are over 18 million adults who struggle with it every night and many have been successfully treated.
Here are some sleep apnea personal stories that may give you hope:
Veteran, VA employee shares sleep apnea success story Read
Story of patient with severe sleep apnea whose weight dropped from 130 to 88 pounds before getting treated (Cleveland Clinic) Read
CPAP success stories of Geoff, Jessica, Orville, Mary Jo, and Leightan (ResMed) Read
Sleep apnea journeys of Harley, Vicki, Bill, George, and Bob (American Sleep Apnea Association) Read
Short snippets: 16 personal CPAP success stories (cheapcpapsupplies.com) Read
Visit a Sleep Apnea Forum Today
See what you can change (sleep checklist)
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