picture of teen asleep in class for which our student sleep resources can help

Student Sleep Resources

Teens today are not getting enough sleep which can affect their mood, health, and performance at school.  On this page you’ll find a variety student sleep resources including tips, recommendations, and links to more in depth information.

A) Students not getting enough sleep

Students not getting enough sleep:

The sleep deprivation epidemic among teens (American Academy of Pediatrics):

  • 73% of high school students across 30 states are not getting enough sleep
  • 58% of middle school students surveyed not meeting sleep recommendations

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Many health-risk behaviors are associated with poor teen sleep (National Sleep Foundation):

  • Drinking soft drinks
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Excessive computer use
  • Getting in fights
  • Smoking cigarettes
  • Smoking marijuana
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Sexual activity
  • Feeling sad or hopeless
  • Seriously considering suicide

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Why teenagers are not getting enough sleep (Nationwide Children’s Hospital):

  • Shift in sleep schedule – After puberty, there is a biological shift in an adolescent’s internal clock of about 2 hours.
  • Early school start times – Some high schools start as early as 7:00 AM.
  • Too many obligations – Homework, sports, after-school, and socializing lead to late bedtimes.

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According to the CDC, children and adolescents who don’t get enough sleep are at higher risk for health issues including obesity, diabetes, and injuries.

They’re also at more risk for mental health challenges, attention and behavior problems, and poor academic performance.

    Source: US CDC

    B) How much sleep does my child need?

    How much sleep does my child need?

    How much sleep someone needs depends on their age:

    • 6–12 years should regularly sleep 9–12 hours
    • 13–18 years should sleep 8–10 hours

    C) Tips to help students sleep better

    Tips to help students sleep better:

    Get adequate sleep

    Make sure you’re getting what your body needs

    Physical activity

    30 to 60 minutes multiple times a week can lead to better sleep

    Limit caffeine intake

    Soda pops and energy drinks may be popular among teens, but they should be avoided in the evening.

    Avoid going to bed hungry

    Try a light healthy snack

    Avoid nicotine

    It’s not just cigarettes these days, vaping has become popular among teens. The nicotine from both can disturb sleep.

    Maintain a regular pre-bedtime routine

    Activities such as light reading and relaxing music can help them prepare for sleep.

    Set up a great bedroom environment

    Keep it cool, dark, and quiet

    Limit electronic screens at bedtime

    Computer games, going online, or watching their favorite TV show can make it harder to fall asleep.

    Smart phones, tablets, and TV screens emit bright blue light which has been shown to interfere with body’s natural sleep-wake cycles.

    Maintain a regular sleep schedule

    To keep their sleep cycles on track, they should go to bed and wake up the same time everyday.

    Avoid sleeping in on the weekends

    Sleep in too late on Saturday and Sunday can make it hard to stay on schedule Sunday night.

    Try afternoon naps

    Short naps in the early afternoon may be beneficial.

    Get help

    If they’re having ongoing problems falling asleep, snoring, or overtired during during the day, it’s a good idea to talk to a doctor.

    D) Sleep disorders in kids & adolescents

    Sleep disorders in kids & adolescents:

    E) More student sleep resources

    More student sleep resources:

    F) Organizations


    Last updated: 2/25/2024

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