Past Sleep Articles
1) Insomnia
2) Insomnia prevention and remedies
3) Jet lag
4) Sleepwalking
5) Snoring
6) Sleep apnea
What is the chance you can die in your sleep?
Is it ok to have a beer before bed?
If you’re wondering if sleep will help your nausea, here’s why it might
Can insomnia make acne worse? – Why it might and what to do
Millions don’t know they’re at risk for diabetes and their insomnia could be making things worse
Your insomnia may be increasing your risk for dementia
The older you get the more caffeine can get you
The link between pain, sleep, and napping
Can CBD worsen IBS and insomnia?
Hidden caffeine in popular evening snacks, desserts, and beverages
Why some people die in their sleep, others don’t, and what you can do about it
Benefits of sleep:
8 Powerful Ways Sleep Makes You Better at Life
10 reasons why sleep is NOT a waste of time
5 reasons why you should sleep on it when making decisions
3 Ways sleep can help the pain go away
Teen sleep:
11 Alarming Facts About the Teen Sleep Crisis (Teen Sleep Part 1)
9 Reasons teens struggle with sleep (Teen Sleep Part 2)
11 Things That Can Help Teens Sleep Better (Teen Sleep Part 3)
10 Ways to quickly relieve stress and anxiety before bed
Does shiatsu work for insomnia? – Practical tips
3 things to do if you’re worried and losing sleep over rising gas prices
Worried about retirement and can’t sleep? – What to do for peace of mind
8 reasons your IBS is worse at night and what to try
What to try if you’re worried about your job and can’t sleep
What to try for IBS pain at night
IBS got you too depressed to sleep – 13 remedies
4 things to try if CBD is keeping your dog awake
9 things to try if a cat won’t let you sleep
The best thing to do before bed and pitfalls to avoid
Can CBD oil make you feel more awake and cause insomnia?
Is it OK to sleep with AC on? – Tips and remedies
A survival guide for people who can’t sleep after social events
A Practical guide to sleeping with a dog
What to do if cell phone light is waking you up at night
What to try if you can’t sleep after moving
18 things to try if you’re too stressed about grades to sleep
18 fun things to do before bed
15 things to try to help you stay awake at church
What to try if you can’t sleep because of sore muscles
Are plants in the bedroom bad for allergies?
Should you do puzzles before bed?
What to do if you’ve slept through your alarm for work
11 things to try if you’re feeling tired after retirement
How to stay awake in an online meeting
How to stop waking up late for work
Sleep tips for nurses and care providers
7 things to try if your phone keeps waking you up
Sleeping with a dog and allergies
Turmeric for pain and better sleep
Sleep tips and insomnia remedies for firefighters and EMTs
12 things to try if car noise is ruining your sleep
Sleep help and counseling for couples: Hope for better nights
Sleep tips and insomnia remedies for police officers
10 things to try if your spouse keeps the TV on at night
What to do if you’re too hot to sleep after exercise
18 Things to try if you’re too excited to sleep
Is hot chocolate before bed good or bad for you?
How to stay awake in a Zoom online class
16 Things to try if you’re too cold to sleep
14 things to try if you’re too lonely to sleep
How to stay more awake at work while pregnant
16 Things to try to keep from falling asleep at work
12 Things to try if a noisy neighbor is keeping you from sleeping
9 Things worth a try if you drank too much coffee
Can lavender plants really help your sleep?
7 Sleep aids for kids worth a try
4 things to avoid if you keep a fish tank in your bedroom
5 things to know about cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) counseling
14 things to try if a barking dog wakes up the baby
How to survive a CPAP power outage
6 things to try if you can’t stop reading before bedtime
12 Sleep-friendly snacks for when you’re too hungry to sleep
10 things to try if you’re losing sleep over politics
5 things to try if you’re waking up in the middle of the night to smoke
What to do if too much light is keeping you awake
How to get to sleep after one too many energy drinks
9 things worth a try if you can’t sleep after drinking cola
How long nicotine keeps you awake – practical tips
Does counseling for sleep disorders really work?
17 Sleep-friendly ways to pass the time when bored in bed
10 home remedies worth a try if shoulder pain is keeping you from sleeping on your side
7 ways to enjoy the sleep promoting benefits of cherries
7 things to try if YouTube is keeping you from sleeping
How to improve you sleep on the cheap if you can’t afford a sleep study
The best sleep calculators to improve your sleep
Sleep tips for riding out coronavirus and a recession
Pain meds keeping you awake? – 12 things to try
How to prevent holiday insomnia
7 Foods to avoid when having insomnia
How to go to sleep when your mind won’t stop racing – 10 things to try
How to go to sleep when pain is keeping you awake – 8 natural alternatives that can help
Yes, music can really help your insomnia
More evidence blue-light blocking glasses can help your insomnia
Can prescription meds cause sleepwalking?
Is sleepwalking a sign of mental illness?
Is sleepwalking a sign of something more serious
Can stress cause you to sleepwalk?
Can sleeping pills help with sleepwalking?
Sleepwalking prevention devices: 5 things to try for easier nights
Can arthritis really cause someone to snore?
Will snoring stop after pregnancy?
Can snoring cause nose bleeds? – Here’s what we know
Worried snoring will wake the baby? – What I learned from an informal survey and what you can do
Can snoring cause a sore throat? – What it might, 12 things to try
What’s the leading cause of sleep apnea?
The quickest sleep apnea treatments you can get
Can sleep apnea cause bipolar?
Can sleep apnea really cause IBS?
Is sleep apnea bad? – 5 ways it can wreck your life
Can losing weight help sleep apnea?
Can CBD help sleep apnea? – 4 ways it might
12 things to try if your husband is always falling asleep
Can pain make sleep apnea worse?
Does sleep apnea reduce life expectancy?
Yes, skinny women get sleep apnea too
Can sleep apnea cause pain and body aches?
Can sleep apnea cause shoulder pain?
9 Things to try to treat sleep apnea yourself
Can sleep counseling help sleep apnea?
Can acupuncture help sleep apnea?
Coronavirus and sleep apnea – 3 things to do
Sleeping with someone with sleep apnea – 6 things to do for more restful nights
Does sleep apnea get worse over time?
Sleep apnea and dizziness: What we know and 7 things you can try
14 remedies for sleep apnea and pain
Sleep apnea and vaping, it’s more serious than you think
Worried sleep apnea is ruining your marriage? – 3 practical tips for survival and recovery.
Why you need to take your obstructive sleep apnea and caffeine way more seriously
Sleeping upright with sleep apnea – What we know and 3 things to try
Foods that help sleep apnea – 5 to try for better sleep
Sleep apnea and daytime panic attacks – How they’re linked and what you can do about it
12 Alternatives worth a try if CPAP doesn’t work for you
How to get a CPAP machine for free or on the cheap (ranked by cost)
9 things that can help you’re using CPAP with allergies
6 reasons not to buy a CPAP machine on Craigslist
What to try if you suspect CPAP is causing acne
9 things to try for CPAP panic attacks
15 things to try if CPAP is stressing you out
What you should know before using your spouse’s CPAP machine
Remedies for common CPAP spouse complaints
Looking for a used CPAP machine? – Where to look, what to avoid
CPAP made my cold worse: How to get sleep while dealing with a sore throat and other symptoms
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Better Sleep Simplified® was founded as a place for you to get clear and well-researched information.
Our goal is to make sure you know about your options so that you take action sooner rather than later.
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This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and other affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to them.
Important: is for informational purposes only and is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult a physician for sleep and health concerns. See additional information.